Monday, February 23

Series of fuzz #13: Mazes and PENS

Listening to the 'friends' of bands you like on myspace can be a tough swamp to navigate but when you are the cap'n of an airboat as canny as I am, it can turn up some mighty fine results with a real tang.
First up are Mazes, UK fuzz-pop with an unknown amount of members. Check the myspace for a quick idea of what they're about and see the track below along with another. Kinda Weezer-ish and thoroughly wonderful.
Second up are PENS, again a UK act, a trio of girls and some really badly recorded songs on their myspace hence I'm really liking them.
I'd venture that the third track on their page was recorded inside a wet mattress with one of the Vivian Girls having sex with a broken amp on top of it. In a vat of honey. Underwater.

Mazes - Bowie Knife

PENS - Networking

Both mp3s gotten from catbirdseat


Anonymous said...

Pens are deadly, I've had high in the cinema on repeat for weeks now...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you kinda have to wade through alot of mediocre bands to get to others but they are class. Luckily the wading takes about 4 minutes in total. I love you myspace.

LoLo said...

I know whos in Mazes!!!!! Hehehehe.

Adam said...

who is it? get me an album!

LoLo said...

I'll tell you when I see you. You probably won't even know who it is anyways. lol! I have the ep but I'm not allowed to give out. Its frickin mega.

Adam said...
