I've rewatched both The Dark Knight and There Will Be Blood (again) and while both stand up very well indeed, it's the latter that grows and grows in the wow factor stakes, such is the sheer power of the whole shebang.
And that moustache.
Wow again.
Twas early in the year, around February I think, when this blog kicked off (yes I am still relatively new to it, thanks) and I was mildly obsessed with this film.
From the dialogue-free opening gambit to the ominous horror of Jonny Greenwood's score. From the fact that practically every frame of the movie could be the poster to the often hilarious, melodramatic, eminently quotable script.
From the powerhouse performance-of-a-lifetime effort of Day-Lewis to the snivelling genius turn of Paul Dano.
It's a work of art.
But more of that in a week or so.
This post is about Hugh Jackman. Kind of. The sexy bastard.
Here is the newest trailer for the upcoming Wolverine film.
Jackman has been chosen to host the next Oscars and his stage appearances in musicals, often camp demeanour and sheer likeability should make him the perfect host. Unfortunately he is so nice, he forgets how to say no to shit scripts (Swordfish, Kate&Leopold, Van Helsing...christ should I go on?) and so, an actor clearly capable of huge diversity, ends up starring in this kind of bilge. But then he has also done the overrated but fun X-Men films, the excellent The Prestige, the ambitious The Fountain and the I-have-not-seen-yet-but-it-looks-dire Australia with small-nosed drink of water Kidman.
All that aside, the trailer here looks like it'll be a good romp and Jackman wins 'Hunk Of The Week' on this blog. Well done, Hugh. And good luck with your future endeavours.
14 hours ago
Hunk of the week? what an idea Adam. It's the constant flux of your sexuality that draws me here on a daily basis. My choice for the next hunk of the week is that young fella out of high school musical 3. Jailbait, I know, but wow can hoof the hoof and knock out a choon like the olden days. More gay stuff please.
I aim to please. Maybe I'll also start a 'Torso of the Week' like Heat magazine does but instead call it 'Face like a Foot' of the week and Sarah Jessica Parker wins it every time.
That's a surefire winner.
If Hunk of the Week is a hit, it shall be a permanent fixture here in 2009, mark my words.
I'm gonna check up on that High School musical dude right now. He sounds dreamy.
Hugh Jackman as Wolverine ....mmmmm my ultimate comic book fantasy realized.
Since the X-Men films I feel less like a creep for fancying a piece of ink on paper.
Yeah dude. Fancying drawings ain't creepy. I'm quite fond of the oul' matchstick women meself with their lollipop heads and desiccated, decimated bods. Also, yer wan in Sin City. Embrace the creepiness.
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